Enlisted Soldier Or Officer?

Learn how these two types of Soldiers are different, yet work together to create the world's strongest fighting force.

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I'm Lieutenant Colonel Rob Goodman. I'm a veterinarian in the United States Army.

I completed my undergraduate at Texas A & M University in 1993, and then continued on with veterinary school, graduating in 1996, and then completed a residency in small animal internal medicine at North Carolina University, in 2004.

I'm currently the Chief of the Animal Medicine Branch. I'm in charge of all the institutional training in animal medicine for our animal care specialists and for our veterinarians. When I was about twelve, my dog got sick and I decided that I wanted to be able to fix dogs.

In Iraq we had many working dogs that saved Soldiers lives everyday. And I was part of taking care of those, and providing care for those working dogs, and that truly did make a difference everyday.

The Army offers tremendous opportunity for continuing education to veterinarians. Captains are eligible to apply for advance training in either clinical medicine, a Master's in public health, pathology, laboratory animal medicine, or a PHD.

I have a wonder wife of fifteen years, named Jennifer. I have two children - a daughter twelve and a son that's ten. I went to an open house at my daughter's school immediately following work. I was still in uniform and had complete strangers thank me for the service that we provide. That's the ultimate satisfaction and reinforces the privilege to wear an Army uniform.

Caring for the Army dogs who support our Soldiers.

Complete strangers thank me for the service that we provide. That’s the ultimate satisfaction and it reinforces the privilege
of wearing the Army uniform.

NAME: LTC Rob Goodman
JOB: Field Veterinary Service (64A)

Ever wonder what a veterinarian does in the Army? Meet Lieutenant Colonel Rob Goodman, and let him explain how important veterinarians are to the safety of our Soldiers.